

Wander to your heart's content. the market has a big mix of cultures and a selection of goods not available in niamey or elsewhere. people are a degree calmer and more polite than in other markets, making for a very pleasant morning.

Hippo and island tours

From the hotel you can arrange a motorized or non-motorized pirogue ride to see the hippopotami and islands. many boat operators will offer their services. one decent guide is ilou anafiyou, who gives a 3-hour motorized pirogue tour of hippopotami and two island villages, bargained down to 20000f. 96-11-39-52, 96-08-71-25, or [email protected], though he’ll be away june-nov 2008. a motorized pirogue may allow you to get to the less-visited islands upon request. ilou can also arrange a tasty dinner for your group, bargained down to 1,250/person.